The one, the only Walter Mouton and the Scott Playboys, with a lovely waltz, whose title eludes me.  This is from the GrassRoots Festival of Music Dance, held in July in Trumansburg, New York.  Beautiful! 

Here is a video by yours truly of the great Walter Mouton and the Scott Playboys playing their theme song, the “Scott Playboy Special.”  

Although he’s retired from his every-week appearance at La Poussiere in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, Walter Mouton is still playing around at festivals.   Hear him at the 2012 Festivals Acadiens et Créoles on Saturday, October 13 at 4:45 at the Scène Ma Louisiane (Festival Stage).   

From the Advertiser (Lafayette):  Music of Acadiana Series with Walter Mouton and Jason Frey. 2 p.m. The afternoon begins with an open jam session, followed by an interview and a performance. Admission is $5. The Frederick Stage at Town Market Rural Arts Centre (Nunu’s). 1013 Neblet, Junction 93/31, Arnaudville.  Mouton played La Poussiere for decades until his retirement.  Here’s a chance to see this master in action.

Here’s wonderful musician Walter Mouton playing Chere tout tout (no, not My tout tout by Rockin’ Sidney).  The sound is a little rough, but this guy’s only recordings are one 45rpm and two tracks on the Les Blanc movie soundtrack J’Ai Ete Au Bal (I Went to the Dance).  Don’t recognize the venue, though there’s lots of older couples out on the floor.  The notes add Wayne Toups and Jackie Cailler, but I don’t see them onstage.  That’s likely his regular band, with Junior Martin on pedal steel.  Compare to this photo of Mouton in 2008 with Joel Savoy on fiddle. 

Three, count ’em, three accordion players on one stage, playing together.  That’s really unusual, but this video features Wayne Toups on vocal and accordion, Walter Mouton, and Jackie Callier.  One commenter says it’s La valse de la belle by Shirley Bergeron, who was a male.   Mouton played Sundays at La Poussiere (“the dust”), a club in Breaux Bridge, LA for decades.  But he only recorded a single 45 in his career, and is now retired, showing up at festivals now and then, thank goodness!  Toups is leader of the band ZydeCajun, and plays mostly in a rock ‘n’ roll influenced style.  He’s a real crowd pleaser on stage.  I’m especially fond of his more traditional album, Reflections of the past.   Callier is leader of the band the Cajun Cousins.  The audio’s muddy, but it’s still fun!